Oxidation, how to prevent?

I will soon move to a hot and humid area.

Can afford to run AC all day long not to mention it's not green, like your expert opinions how to prevent it?

Some of my equipments have shinny chrome faces, can I use car wax on them to prevent oxidation? What about RCA or XLR jacks? I don't think I want to use wax there since it will degrade sound, what other options do I have? I can put covers on the unused plugs, but it's not air tight and will still degrade over time.

I often read cartridge suspensions will dry up over time especially in hot weather, does humidity helps or is it worse? Will I be better off storing unused cartridges in humidity & temp control vault?
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Elizabeth, that's a very clever way of controlling humidity. in Asia, de-humidifier is common and I will have plenty of those running to keep things dry, but wondering if heat alone will oxidize the finish.
Heat alone will not oxidize. Running a de-humidifier is actually an effective way to keep "cool" as well because it helps create an environment so evaporation cools your body. It doesn't need to be set too low. Running de-humidifiers is OK but watch out for furniture. If you buy any hardwood furniture locally, and then you run a de-humidifier, you will run the risk of drying the wood excessively, and causing cracks.
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