Synergistic Research Acoustic ART analogue room tr

Anyone like t take a stab at this "new" form of room treatment?

Specially tuned and treated carbon steel bowls that, carefully placed in the listening room on proprietary platforms, tune music reproduction, tighten bass, adjust tonal balance, and focus sound.
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I am not concerned with convincing anyone, but I did tell a group of doubting thomases from Philly the morning afterwards to attend the demonstration. Many of them did buy sets.
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with all due respect, I was part of that group of "doubting Thomases" you refer to. Only one individual from our group purchased the product. As far as I know his are still in the box...
I have my dedicated room designed by rives level 1 ( only available choice) and it doesn't solve all issues. Also construction needs to be quite precise. Anyway I heard acoustic resonator at KL Hifi show 2009. U need to hear it to believe it. Frank tchang can make the sound tilts at 1 side, hollow in the centre and all kinds of magic. I certainl

I did rives level 1( only level available) for my dedicated room. It doesn't solve all problems and construction need to be precise . Did some modification after living with it for a couple of months. Last year at KL Hifi show frank tchang was demostrating his acoustic resonators. He can shift the sound to whichever side u want, create a hole in the center etc. It's definitely voodoo magic if u never heard it. U got to hear it to believe it that a small cup can have such an impact to our listening pleasure or displeasure . it ultra expensive. However what is not expensive in the audio world?
Anyway I decided to try out ART after reading the long thread fr audiocircle and fr reviews of ART. I can hear an immediate tightening of the base and playing with the nos of magnet of the vibratron certainly i I I i I did a dedicated room rives design level 1 ( only level available to me). Doesn't solve all problems and construction needs to be precise. Have the opportunity to hear acoustic resonators during KL Hifi show 2009 and frank tchang was demostrating his voodoo magic with his tiny cups. He can make the sound shift to left and right, make a hole in the centre etc etc. Howevr the tiny copper , silver, gold , platinum is ultra expensive. Again what is not expensive in the audio world. After reading abt ART in audiocircle( long thread) and fr reviews, decided to buy a preowned fr audiogon. It make obvious difference which I prefer. Now it's a permanent feature in my dedicated room.
There are a lot of controversies in audio world, powerconditioner voodoo, cone voodoo, pc voodoo ( how can 2m wires improve sound whn there are miles of lousy wire fr power station?) but it works for those who have experimented with it.
So guys give it a try before labelling it as voodoo magic
For the skeptics, I can understd that u don't believe a small cup can make so much diff to a big room. I wouldn't as well unless I hear it myself. Anyway many moons who would have believe power cond, footers few hundred $ can make a improvemt to the sound of ultra expensive transport, preamp, poweramp. Who wld have believe a 2m pc can have a hugh impact on yr listening pleasure when there are miles of lousy wires fr power station to yr room. Well listening is believing. Well this is my 2cts worth of opinion . Be happy, hobby is to be enjoy. let's disagreed or agreed respectfully. Happy listening