Cable lifters/towers- voodoo or the real thing?

This is something I've been wrestling with for some time. After spending as much on equipment as I have, I'm hesitant about dropping a rather menial sum on cable lifters or towers. It's literally the cost of a few cases of premium imported beer, but I just can't believe what I read about them. Six Moons glowed about Dedicated Audio's Cable Towers, but I'm not sure if I buy it. Perhaps it's because I don't understand the reasoning behind them. Any opinions or thoughts to educate me here? Am I being an idiot not getting any? Right now, I just have a tangled mess of cables lying on the floor, suspended in air from being relatively it a good way to tweak a system?
Paul McGowan from PS Audio just addressed this in his newsletter this week. He's using plastic connectors from home depot. If you can't find it on the ps audio web site, email me.
You can try using empty CD jewel cases and see/hear what you think. I ended up getting the ones Shunyata makes for their aesthetics and because they help absorb vibration. I think the effectiveness of these "devices" (as Frank Zappa would say) depends on your system.