Cable lifters/towers- voodoo or the real thing?

This is something I've been wrestling with for some time. After spending as much on equipment as I have, I'm hesitant about dropping a rather menial sum on cable lifters or towers. It's literally the cost of a few cases of premium imported beer, but I just can't believe what I read about them. Six Moons glowed about Dedicated Audio's Cable Towers, but I'm not sure if I buy it. Perhaps it's because I don't understand the reasoning behind them. Any opinions or thoughts to educate me here? Am I being an idiot not getting any? Right now, I just have a tangled mess of cables lying on the floor, suspended in air from being relatively it a good way to tweak a system?
Somethings you just have to try,I was using just plain glasses for the ceramic towers.Man what a differance in 3d,air,ect.I couldnt believe it,wife even commented on what a differance it made.Im a believer after that initial experiance...could it be differant product to product?All i know is what i heard initialy...and it was profound enough for me.
Digsmithd -- I'm curious. What kind of floor is in your listening room: concrete slab or wood floor over joists?
I have wall to wall they are"necessary".I also have small shunyatas for cabling.As i said its something you just have to try for yourself and either works and you hear it or you dont?
Digsmithd, I wasn't enquiring about the floor finish (the carpet;--), I was enquiring about the floor construction -- what's under the carpet?

Concrete slab-on-grade (dirt), or concrete slab in a highrise bldg.,
wood joists over a crawl space or perhaps over another room, with a plywood subfloor?

I have a simple rambler type home...crawl space.Plywood(under carpet) typical 70s flooring type plywood over crawl space...i do have a hell of alot of vibration(pisses me off).Hope i answered your questions?I do wish i had more stable flooring.