Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a Fuse holder?

Hi Everybody, I am new to this Forum. Please clarify that,

Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a fuse holder to show

the direction to fix a fuse? Will all type of fuses have

'Arrow' mark? I need the advices to upgrade the fuses.

In one of a forum, I read the following 'Message'as follows:-

"The fuse has to be parallel to the overall direction of the sine waves coming from the wall socket and into you audio gear. If they enter at an unusually steep angle, the top (or bottom) peaks and throughs will get clipped off or attenuated and you will get jagged or almost square waves in you signal. The resulting SQ will be harsh and grating to the ears. Prolonged usage may damage the speaker coils as well."

So, friends,please give me a clear picture to replace a

'fuse' in my Preamp and DAC. Thank you.


I searched long and hard for the source of the quote in the original post and finally found it. It is on page 963 of THE FENG SHUI OF FUSE HOLDERS by Hugh G. Lyar [sec. ed.]. Seriously, I have known audiophiles to obsess over fuses; a friend substitutes MAGNETS for his fuses, others use lengths of exotic wire. Of course these give no protection but that is life on the cutting edge. I defected to the blunt side years ago myself.
Stanwal, I had a guy send me the magnets to try. I did and heard no benefit. I assume you tried changing directions before you went over to the blunt side?
I don't know how some of you guys sleep at night knowing full well that statistically 50% of your resistors were installed backwards at the factory.
Sebrof, could be that resistors don't matter that much. It also could be that some companies check wire pull direction and resistor direction before assembly. Resistors would be easy to do consistently given their markings.

I don't know how some stick with the limited understanding of EE so close-mindly. I still remember in EE classes that engineering faculty want to "stick with the formulas regardless.


I don't know how some stick with the limited understanding of EE so close-mindly.

It's fine to be open-minded, but not so open-minded your brains end up sloshing out onto the floor. And that's the sort of open-mindedness fuse directionality demands.