Help a new guy get started

Hey everyone.
This is my first post so I apologize in advance if I botch it.
I am putting together a music only system for my bedroom (14x14x9) and I have a budget of about $1000-1200. I've spent lots of time reading the posts and checking out manufacturers websites and I think that has confused me more than help. At this point the NHT Classic lines look appealing as do the Image series from PSB for speakers. I'm also looking at Integrated amps and stereo receivers from Marantz, NAD and (don't curse) the new Yamaha stereo receivers released recently. For now my source will be my Macbook Pro and a small DAC like the HRT or the Nuforce. Eventually, I'd like to add something like the Olive 3, but that is down the line.

Any advice?
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Thanks again for your responses. I have looked at the Peachtree offerings and have seen a few show up here. I've read in the posts and some reviews that the amp is the weak link in the unit. I understand that the DAC and the other parts of the Decco are really good, but the amp wasn't that great. Does that mean the amp sounds bad, or that it is fair, but the other portions of the unit are stellar and overshadow the amp's qualities?

By the way, I appreciate your candor and kindness thus far. I read a thread about getting into vinyl and it almost kept me from posting.
Too bad about that other thread. Audio folks do grump some.

Allen, for my money the absolute winner combination in the suggestions so far would be that little Audio Space tube amp and a used pair of Reynaud Twins--if you can get to them Twins before a few hundred other people.

The Audio Space amp is low-powered but oh, so sweet with its 6BQ5 tubes. The Reynauds are sensitive enough to run quite loud even on low power, and they are a beautiful design which has won many hearts. The amp has a DAC already, and later on you can bypass it and get a better one if you like.

Bet you dimes to dollars it makes trumpets sound celestial.

The Peachtree's amp sections are the weak link in the chain. They're not bad at all, but they're not as good as the preamp and DAC sections. If someone were to upgrade the performance of the unit, an external amp would be most beneficial.

A lot of people love the Peachtree stuff. I understand why, but I'm not the biggest fan. A bit slow sounding for me. Then again, I'm more of a Bryston/Naim/Rega/Linn guy, so I feel that way about a lot of stuff.
I'm almost ready to jump out there and do some listening, but I thought I'd pose one last question before I go. I think I am going the Peachtree Decco 2 route, but would there be much of a difference if I were to pair a separate DAC( DacMagic) with an integrated (used NAD, marantz...)? It seems like you'd gain speaker options if you went with a sep. amp. I realize that others are accepting the deficiencies in the decco's amp and sending the signal to a better amplifier, but I don't think I could do that for a while.

Thoughts? Experience?

Thanks again,