Noisy External HD

My Cavalry Raid 1 External HD works well but man, is it noisy. It seems to be the loudest when first turned on and settles down somewhat after about 5 minutes. Anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions for suppressing the noise apart from locking it in the closet?
Their MAY be hope.
My MAC's hard drive was pretty noisy.
Apple issued some kind of update...or maybe it was going to 10.6, but the darn thing is now very quiet.
Can you ship off a note to the manufacturer about this issue?
Does your external HD have a fan? If so, the fan might be dirty or unbalanced, which can contribute to the noise.

If the noise is coming from the HDD's themselves, then you might be able to put rubber washers between the HD's and the mounts (take out the small screws holding the HD's in, then reinstall them with a thin rubber washer over the screw before you screw the HD's in).

The rubber washer idea is worth a try. It does get quieter after about 20 minutes by itself but still not enough to satisfy me. There is no fan so it must be the HD's themselves in which case rubber mounts could be a solution. Thanks for the idea.
Get the 2,5" external drive. Ther are much more quiet.

Seagate FreeAgent Go is almst inaudible.

See the review on Silent PC: