RE: Where do you get off?
Right now perhaps?
However, Id suppose, wherever you feel suits you. Where You have no further desires to implement change (s). Be it at that point a blissfully rendering musical system is what you then own, or youve just plain run out of enthusiasm for its hunt and acquisition
. Or again, youre finally OK with what you have in front of you.
I think being happy with what we have instead of wanting what we dont have is the deal. How obsessive compulsive you are plays into this as well
as does how deep are your pockets and your patience and tolerance levels.
As for the system matching aspects, I would bet very very often, If I took a few pieces of my system to some other persons house, and inserted them/it into his or her rig, the results could go either way
better, so so, or even worse than was the norm previously.!
I try to optimize my systems as per their individual needs at the time, based upon my perception of its shortcomings, and my own preffs for hearing music. Consequently, introducing some parts of my rig to another can alter the secondary rig to sound brighter or dryer, as an example, perhaps. Such results arent always the case of course, but could be.
I think its about optimization. The same piece of gear setup one way on one system, can produce different outcomes on some other arrangement and setup. I also get the overwhelming impression that many hobbyists strive towards a certain sound. Not necessarily a flat and neutral sound throughout. I did. I dont now though. I went from one extreme to another. From crystalline, bright, analytical and vivid, to warm, dark and liquid. Now to as much resolution and detail within the confines of the music being played that it remain quite revealing, but musical as well. So I now push the boundaries of the gear I possess. Eeking out as much info as it can deliver, while adhereing to musicality as the deciding or determining factor if push comes to shove. Always Ill choose musical ease over uber revelatory reproductions. Riding the line in between them seems more my concern lately
. And Im very satisfied with the results I currently enjoy. Only a couple finer points remain that Id care to address, or add to the fray. Like a dedicated 7.1 processor, and another power cord or two perhaps. Maybe some replacement outlets as well, by and by.
Consequently, Im in no hurry to apply these ideas or add those desired items. Therefore, I feel Im a pretty happy camper lately with regard to the results I get regularly from my main stereo and mostly from those others I own..
Because its a past time, a hobby, some will continue to try a this or a that as they come out. Just for fun maybe, or for personal enlightenment. Possibly for bettering their own gig. Its just another facet to this sideline. Whichever way one goes, with earnest sincerity, or as cavalier as one could imagine, its a hobby. Not a race or competition. It should always amuse, entertain, interest, possibly fascinate at times, and ultimately satisfy the enthusiast along the way or at least eventually. If it does not Id submit they find some other activity that will.
Everything matters. How much everything matters and in what way, is the curiosity that drives this and many other hobbies.