upgrading inductor

i would like to know if its possible to change original inductor on a speaker cross over for a higher gauge but keep the same value for the INDUCTANCE and RESISTANCE
Inductors are usually just a coil of copper wire, sometimes hundreds of feet long. Copper is the only realistic material to use. One way to lower resistance is to use thicker wire. You can purchase a more expensive coil that uses a heavy gauge wire. Moving from 19g to 14g increases the price by at least 5x's. Using silver increases the cost another 20x's. There are also copper foil inductors which are more expensive, but work somewhat better. Some inductors have iron or ferrite cores in the middle of the coil. This core decreases the amount of copper wire needed for the coil, and therefore lowers the resistance. The problem is that these cores cause some distortion. For smaller inductors, use one without a core - an air core inductor. For the larger inductors required for the woofer's crossover, an air core inductor might not be feasible. In these cases, use a ferrite core. If you want to try to make your own inductor to save money, check out the Inductor Calculator for information on winding your own coils. I hope this helps...
Same person asking about crossover changes?

Iron inductors are OK up until saturation.

Please consult an online inductor calculator. some are pretty good. I'll post one later......

Yes is the answer to your question. You will need MORE of the lower resistance larger wire for the same DCR. Iron core original inductor complicates things, but I was able to design a match for my Magnepan's inductor using aircore formulas and calculators.
Start running some simulations using the calculator I ref'd above.

PM me and I can help. This is pretty basic.
What do you mean by "higher gauge"? If you intend to use thinner wire (skin effect) and keep the same resistance and inductance you can achieve this by using tape woven inductors. Many good speakers have tape inductors but also many very good speakers don't. I doubt if it makes any difference because skin effect in copper at 20kHz starts at gauge 18 but at this frequency but overall effect is negligible.