Cable + Onkyo + HDMI = periodic audio drop outs

Ok… this is weird. Maybe simple to someone else though. It’s been happening for a good while too, though now it’s troublesome for me.

Two problems:


Using HDMI as the input from a Motorola HD cable box, via Verizon FIOS into an Onkyo TX SR 805, again, via HDMI, currently the display is my Pannasonic 50 inch plasma Viera 720p HD TV. All via HDMI.

When I’ve not got the display energized/on, and I’m listening to anything out of the Motorola HD cable box thru my Onkyo TX SR 805, on their HDMI connections, periodically the audio will cut out…. Briefly… just a one two, or three, seconds or so, then return.

This event occurs regularly. IN increments of approximately 5 – 6 minutes.

With the display on, TV, or Front Projector, it won’t happen. At all. The audio is continuous, and steady. The only gripe there is during switching from HD to sD channels…. Or and I’m guessing here, from digital bit stream outputting ones to LPCN/PCm types…. Then there’s a second or three delay, at times.

I’ve moved around all the HDMI cables…. Reinstalled/re-assigned hardware to other inputs…. Same result.

Using 2 ch analog instead, for audio from the same set up, all is well. Smooth and continuous. Not one interval of drop out.

I’ve not tried to use to digital inputs… HDMI for video and coax for audio…. Yet.

Why does not having the display on cause these periodic audio outages over HDMI?

Is there some reset button in or on the Onkyo receiver that can address this?

Initially, during setup I did have some trouble getting everyone to shake hands via HDMI.

Turning everyone off, unplugging, etc, and re-energizing things finally settled that. I think. At least now everthing plays and the video is seen on the Panny plasma.

VERIZON FIOS says it’s Onkyo’s issue…. Guess what Onkyo says…? It’s Verizon’s problem or Motorola’s concern.


If you connect a HDMI version 1.4 source (3D), to a HDMI receiver (1.3A) will it damage anything??

All the HDMI cables have the same pin out config, only the tech inside the gear changes, right?

I’m guessing "Nope, nothing will break".

You’ll only receive the benefits of HDMI 1.3A. The lesser of the two versions.

Is that right?

Thanks so very much…
I would get drop outs like that with voltage swings if a fridge or something like furnace kicked on, in my case it was just a bit loose digital coax wire that fixed mine but it happened when appliances kicked on and off.
Fixed! Fixed?

Well, leaving it on all day yesterday... periodically. I found this out.

If I turn on my display first andd foremost, THEN thurn on the Onkyo rec, HD STB all works fine, as previously stated. No drop outs when display is on.

however, thereafter, I can turn off the display and AS WELL, get no audio drop outs as said before. No display, drop outs. With display NO Drop outs.

Well, turning on the display first, than at some point de-energizing it, all works without audio interuptions.

Go figure.

No inside the setup menu to alter things all to PCM or LPCM. simply the process of who gets energized first.

Like I said... this is weird. but apparently figured out now.


What happens when you connect up two different
versions of HDMI... a 1.3A receiver, with a 1.4 (3D) source?

Can or will there bee problems then?
it seems all day yesterday was just a drill.

it's doing it again. Soon as I changed the ch. to the music ch it started dropping out all over again.

Try a digital coax or toslink for sudio and see if that helps, you will still get all the benefits of HDMI video but perhaps no audio issue.
Thanks Chad

It's merely a major annoyance. I can and do simply connect some RCA elads off the STB to the rec and switch inputs. That fixes it.

It's become a curiosity, and aggravation, and now a quest for the truth! lol

I'm more tied up in my pittiful attempt to obtain a cheap BR disc player for my Bedroom now.

Someone is polling someone. Somehow. On the HDMI interface. Which seems legitimate IMO and accounts for the cut outs.

Or because the display is off, it periodically is telling the reciever, Hey man! Ain't nobody here! Go Away!.... and the ONkyo has alzheimers, and keeps asking.

Beats me.