magnetic important is it?

how important is magnetic shielding of speakers to protect, say an ipod or a cell phone that is carelessly placed atop them?

am putting together an ipod-based bedroom system that will consist of a pair of small monitors flanking a wadia powedac/itransport on my bedroom dresser. if the speakers are within a foot or two of the wadia on either side do I need to worry about them damaging my ipod (120g classic, so not solid state) if they are not magnetically shielded? what about a blackberry haphazzardly tossed next to the speakers?

anyone have any thoughts that could weight in? or horror stories they could share that might save me the same fate? thanks!
There might be some ipods that still use a regular hard drive.
If that is the case, I'd check into it. Solid state may be OK.
Elizabeth's advice is right on. There is no scenario where the speaker magnets are going to be close enough to your iPod to cause any issues with it.
This manual has no mention of it. It may have good shielding.Info on the net is all over the place as far as yes and no. Check the manual for yours to be safe is the only thing I can think of. []
I have seen speakers depolarize info on hard drives. Otherwise, you should hv no concern.