If you have a line conditioner, does noise matter?

I have Belkin, BPT and Brick line conditioners. I have a friend that says his electricity is "noisy" due to garbage on the ac lines and he claims that he can not listen during peak times and can only listen late at night.

My understanding of these various line conditioners is that they control spikes and brown outs to keep the volts at 120 +-. Shouldn't this take care of the ac "noise" on the lines allowing only the music to flow through unimpeded?
Ag insider logo xs@2xaaronmadler
I wouldn't be too sure. My understanding is that only the "power regenerators" such as those by PS Audio actually do the job that your friend needs done. I could be wrong.
Most of the conditioners attemp to "filter" some of the line noise, but not regulate the voltage (except for limiting spikes and surges). Dopogue is correct in that your friend would want a regenerator to control the voltage and truly isolate his system from the grid.
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While is doesn't adjust line voltage, a sub category of power conditioner includes an Isolation Transformer.
My PanaMax has all the usual power conditioner claims but also has a 400va iso trans. Into this, goes all my low power and digital equipment.
If I could have found the Furman Elizabeth refs, I may have gone that way. As it turned out, the Panamax was available. Not inexpensive, either.

Many, if not most, amps DO NOT like power conditioners. My experience has been mixed. My Rotel RB-1070 really hated the conditioner. My ancient Carver cube? Seemed good with it.
My PSAudio ICE integrated likes it too, but has its own circuit and Solosist outlet.