"The Heat Pipes are coming"... The Heat Pipes are

What is a Heat Pipe? and why you should care. A Heat Pipe( hp from hear on out)is a heat transfer mechanism that combines the principles of both thermal conductivity and phase transition to efficiently manage the transfer heat between two solid interfaces. And why should you in Audio-land care. In short the Heat Pipes (hp) transfers heat from audio equipment and audio listening rooms to make them both sound better. That's a bold statement for sure. But before you boil over and get ready to blast my post, remember there is Heat Pipe (hp) in the very computer or Laptop you are on right now. It's keeping everything in your computer cool inside so it can work as efficiently as possible. A hp contains no mechanical moving parts, and typically require no maintenance. The hp's are PASSIVE devices that are place on top of equipment and placed in your listening room. In short my dedicated listening room with sound reinforcement, diffusers, dedicated lines, and all kinds of isolation devices for my equipment. I Have never addressed the heat coming from my equipment. Since I have all solid state gear, I never thought it was necessary. But when I started putting the hp's on top of my amps near the transformer. There was a noticeable improvement. Then I did the same with my preamp near the power supply the same improvement. Then I put one on all 4 of my players, SACD,DVD-AUDIO,CD, CD 5-DISC players I was sold. The cherry on top was when I put the extra hp's around my listening room. IMPORTANT: I did not have to remove one piece of sound reinforcement when I introduce the hp's in the environment. They just make what's there work better. They look like Aluminum heat sinks with two copper tube coming out of them. I do have one that has 4 copper tubes in it, and looks to be all copper heat sinks included. I even have some that do not have any copper tubes at all , just all aluminium. The ones with the copper tube are better than the all aluminum ones everywhere I compared them at, which was everywhere. So let that Heat Pipe (hp) in your computer go to work and give me your feed back if you think like me that the "Heat Pipes are coming"... "The Heat Pipes are coming".
The record is broken, now go home and find some other toys to play with in your basement. Just stay away from the heater ,you may wind up with some more heat pipes. Hail to the Audio-Goners.
Hi, Lithojoe. Did I touch a nerve? My bad. My last post was for those who like to dish out strong critic's of other people finding and ideas. But who expect there words of wisdom to be taken as gospel. Some seem to have a sort of celebrity following hear with some members. I think I speak for the silent majority who would like to speak freely without a self appoint counsel of elder telling them to shut up, your out of place. Or say you are a GREAT Audio-Goner, but you over there your not. So Lithojoe when you say "Hail to the Audio-Goners" I include myself with that group (don't you). And more importantly I hope you have not fallen into that self absorbed mind-set of deciding who is a AUDIO-GONER and who is not. I agree with everyone who has posted that my Heat Pipe finding sounds CRAZY. I don't mind HIGH and INSIDE to use a baseball analogy. It's only when you are intentionally throwing at my head will I respond strongly. So telling me to go home and find some other toys to play with in my basement. I'll write that off as wild pitch that got away. I am truly grateful and appreciative for the insight and knowledge that almost all the members brought to this post. No matter how many times they posted. That's not my place(or anyone Else's) to tell or police a member how many times they can post especially if they are trying to contribute to the conversation. I am sure this post will fall on deft ears to the "Usual Suspects". But this is not for them. This will be my 15th (YES!!!) and final post on this subject of Heat Pipes (don't worry I'll pop up somewhere else as I see fit). And still no Paragraph breaks, Cheers.
Jejaudio, you sound like a preacher. Try some church organ pipes (those big ones), and let us know what happens.
Hi, Hifihvn. Cleaver strategy at trying to put me in a box with a label. That makes it easier to dismiss all that I say. No Preacher here. Just a music lover, like you.