Bass Trap help

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My room sorta looks like this with the total length 25'

Im getting a rather large peak at both 63 and 80hz using warble tones and a Radio Shack sound level meter. The right from the listener opens into a kitchen. Anyway. I bought 27-Owens Corning 703 2"x24"x48" panels. Surely this is enough material? Stacking the panels 3 deep for 6" deep panels, that gives me 9 panels at 24"x48". Ive been moving them around, first trying 2 in the front corners, 1 to each side of the speakers, 3 to the rear (dead behind and one to each side, and the lasy one the wall to the left of the listening position. Zero different as read before and after using my meter.

I dont understand.

Dan_ed, I have two of them in the corners behind the left and right speakers. There was all kinds of bass reverberation before I installed them.
i agree with orpheus 10. i got good results using cardboard concrete forms from lowes. i filled mine with some pink[corning] stuff and made legs to get them elevated so both ends were open. very inexpensive and if you don,t like them hang em in the garage for fishing rod storage.
Orpheus10 wrote "The cores are very easy to decorate in order to make them invisible"

. . . or you can dress them up and make them look like architectural columns. I bought a 12foot long 48" diameter Sonotube to fill with OC701 fiberglass for a bass trap and covered the curved exterior with a red oak veneer and polyurethaned it. It's a hemi-cylindrical diffuser+bass trap in one. I'm using 5 of them: 160degree arc, two 130 acrs and a 100degree arc in the room's 4 corners and middle of the front wall. (Pics are in my System for what it's worth.)