Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
Cable nay-sayers feel tremendous need to share their disbelieves posting even on cable forum (posting against cables on cable forum reminds me this deaf guy who answered add for music teacher just to tell them they should not count on him).

Don't be so defensive cable nay-sayers. There is nothing wrong if you cannot hear the difference. Yes, some people can hear better but it should not upset you any more than wearing glasses or being shorter.
Sometimes it just happens to be true the emperor is wearing no clothes. It's not my job to prove there is no difference between cables. There is a very small minority that believes so in the world. Audiophiles just happen to live in Bizzaro Land where if it's logical it can't be true. Like a religion it has been hammered into you by preachers of Audiophilia and cable sellers. You have to pay tithes to reach sonic nirvana. All the while someone is laughing all the way to the bank. Are you running to the bank to put money in or take it out?
It is not your job to prove anything but perhaps redeem your nearsightedness and holier-than-though attitude to thousands of intelligent audiophiles like myself who not only DON'T 'buy-in' to unsubstantiated hype but who simply trust their ears to know what's true and what's not. If YOU can't hear differences then that simply means YOU can't hear differences...it doesn't mean that I can't nor many[ if not most] people who actually take the time to listen, can't. By declaring us a small minority who have been brainwashed by preachers when the sales of aftermarket cables is a multi-million dollar industry that includes scores of manufacturers who offer take-home trial periods with full money-back guarantees if you're not completely satisfied, is not only an incorrect statement but also a direct affront to and attack on our characters as being inept/gullible and foolish. Then you tell us that this in turn qualifies us to live in "Bizzaro Land"... all because we don't agree with almighty YOU... Your arrogance about being "Right" is so laughable you should be very careful not to fall off that extra high soapbox you seem so assuredly standing on. . Declaring that we are essentially morons because we don't agree with what YOU seem to think as logical and impossible to argue with essentially reduces YOU to a glob of glue...fitting and waiting for the full gamut of [justified] derogatory adjectives which would appropriately "stick to you" if I weren't such a gentleman and on a public site where such name calling is not only inappropriate but would effectively reduce me to the status you so obviously have no regard for wallowing in.
As per the original question: it is not necessary to use the power cord of the power conditioner, there's a good chance you will find several which could make an excellent improvement in your system's sound.
Power cables make a real difference. Anyone who would like to improve the quality of their systems should be open-minded enough to try a moderately priced one or two from one of the many available companies you can find right here on Audiogon. Ask about their satisfaction guarantee and return policy...and buy with confidence. Best regards.
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What are you Lissnr some sort of far left zealot who gets mad because someone disagrees with them? What are you going to do next threaten my life or burn my house down?

If these differences are so great, anyone could hear them but they can't. Since we've had about 30 years of improvements in cable design supposedly, go back and listen to a power cord from back then. It would be so inferior that you couldn't stand to listen with it in your system. A nearly deaf person would be shocked at the difference in quality. Recordings made with wire from the old days would be unlistenable.

I have a friend who claimed he could hear cables too. It was funny to me and others that he couldn't hear when one of the channels was out in his preamp. I also know people who agree they can hear improvements when they can't just so they won't be ostracized by the audiophile community. I've actually had Audiogoners email me and call me to say they agree with me but are afraid to post their beliefs. I bet there are people around you doing the same. Well I'm not afraid to say it. Don't get mad. Next you'll be telling me spraying CD's with Armorall will improve their sound. Or putting a clock in the room will help. And maybe a piece of tissue under one corner of the speakers will make huge improvements.

You are right about one thing, in the small minority that is the audiophile community cables are a multi-million dollar industry. Just like some religions, they will always be there raking in the money and spreading hate to non followers.

We could argue this point forever and I don't mind. But when we get angry it's not worth it. This forum is supposed to be for enlightenment and fun.