Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
Just because you do not hear a difference doesn't mean others cannot. That was my point in an earlier post. If YOU do not hear a difference or actually an improvement then don't spend the money. It's that simple. On the other hand, if you want to be cool like us other audiophiles then don't worry about how it sounds as long as it looks good. (That was a tongue in cheek comment). I have made changes that made things worse. I'm not too proud to admit that. Its a learning experience.

Consider that if cables and connectors make no difference in sound then why would amps and turntables sound different?
I guess audiophilia is a serious business and no one is allowed to joke about anything. Well excuse me if you don't like what I have to say don't my posts.
We've all seen or heard about the rather dim witted bully who loves to instigate trouble by picking on the apparently weaker or defenseless skinny kid, kid with braces, "geekier" kid, or whoever...
Finally someone comes along who challenges him by standing up for what he knows is right ( in front of the increasing crowd of onlookers who have always wanted someone to stop the bully's insistent obnoxious taunting and instigating when in fact he really didn't know what he was talking about) and puts the bully in his place resulting in the bully "Losing face".
Then, as the bully sees the huge crowd surrounding him he realizes everyone sees him for what he truly is (see previous description: obnoxious instigator) and in that crowd (for example, a post of over 80 comments and potentially thousands of "quiet" on-looking readers), the bully makes one more last ditch effort to regain some trace of dignity and exclaims "I was only kidding".
The crowd laughs their own little look of pity on the bully as he continues to make his empty, hollow excuses and they quietly disperse...finally relieved that someone stood up to him and did the right thing...
And don't forget...just as its always been here...the bully will insist on the "Last word"...with some kind of irrelevant, feeble "comeback" which, let's face it...is the real final joke of it all.
Moral of the story: trust your own ears. Agree to disagree if you must, but respect the opinions of others and their rights to them...
And try an aftermarket powercord in YOUR system! Remember: many cable manufacturers offer trial periods with refunds if you're not fully satisfied with the readily noticeable improvement!!!
I am not a bully and I have the right to voice my opinion without being bullied. The fact that I am standing up to the hoards of believers on this site should make a thinking person take note. It's easy for you with all of your supporters behind you to scoff at me but you have no standing outside the walls you are hiding behind here.

If I may reiterate for the folks who can't remember as far back as my earlier posts, I have tried high end power cords. I worked for a company that made them. I am in the audio business and have been for over 25 years. I rarely have to pay for any cables. The companies give them to you just to try them. I have two large drawers full of them.

You may actually think you can hear a difference with your so called high end cables but I don't believe you can and I have never met anyone else that could either. I think you believe you can hear differences which is fine because that's all that matters to you. But I don't want to see others waste money for audio products that don't really do anything. If someone asks an opinion about something I am qualified to answer I have the right to respond if I want just as you do, without getting nasty as you have.

I do not believe in magic and that is the only way a power cable of correct size can change the way a component sounds. You are asking, no demanding that I believe a power cord can someway do something to the electrical signal coming from the wall to improve it. How can it? What does it do? Speed it up, slow it down, increase it, decrease it, purify it some way. A power conditioner can filter out unwanted noise from the service but for a power cord to do that it would not be a power cord, it would be a conditioner and require much more than fancy wire inside. And I bet most of the high end cables out there are merely off the shelf wire that everyone else uses.
"as they are completely running around in circles with the same hollow arguments [which have been convincingly refuted] "

This is kind of neat I think.
Person 1 can read a thread and come to a strong and definitive conclusion.
Person 2 (me) can read the same thread and not see anything that would support the conclusion. There are the yes I can vs. no you can't comments but this seems (to me) to be a wash.

Apparently either person 2 is blinded by his biases or person 1 has biases which drive him to read things that aren't there.

As I'm not an outside and objective onlooker I can't speculate on which person is more correct, but it seems like we can perceive what we wish to in reading just like in hearing.