Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
What gets me is that the folks who complain the most are the ones who have never even audtioned a decent power cord.

You can't really think you'll be taken seriously if you haven't any experience with power cords.

Saying they can't make a difference, to me,makes me think they were the same types of individuals who claimed that man can't fly.

Fortunately for us, the brothers Wright weren't paying attention to them.
Then that settles it, if humans can fly, then a $3500 power cord is a worthwhile investment.

I just ordered 4ea. Shunyata King Cobra CX.

only $14,000 for audio bliss.
Yahooo Rayooo, you'll be flying high!

These are better than my 4 Annaconda Helix versions.

I know because my friend replaced his Annacondas with the CX versions, and sad but true, they are better.

But then his system is much better than mine and is deserving of the best he can afford.

As I am sure yours must be.
Hi all ! Lacee , you have made a great effort to convince Jeff that power cords change the sound . If he cannot hear it , he cannot hear it. I was buying some tubes the other day from an old radio collector , he assured me that all tubes sound the same . I paid my $20 , thanked him for the tubes and hit the door. Arguing with them is a waste of time .
I can't believe this tread an issue are still raging on.
In the end there is only one real answer to the Op's question, Bring home a well designed cord on evaluation, ( most dealers have loaners ) if it makes an improvement keep it, if it doesn't take it back.