Which balanced crossover fits with Apogee FR's?

Hello Audiogon Folks,
I have just changed Apogee Diva for Apogee Full Range in my system.
The Apogee crossover is single ended. I play my whole system balanced.
I use Pass 600.5, Audio Research HD 220 and Audio Research Ref 3. I am technical a nono. I like as less interference in the signal as possible and don't like changing values everytime. I know the Pass and the HD 220 deliver different resistance (ohm). I like to use the Pass for the bass section and the HD 220 for mid and high range. Which analog crossover will fit in my system without disminishing sound quality? I was thinking about a Pass XRV, but it's price is a bit above my budget ($ 2500). On eBay there is an Accuphase F35. I need to specify the frequencies, but which?
Of all the analog xovers I've seen, only the Pass and Krell seem to be internally balanced, and I'm not 100% sure about even those. Most that do offer XLR input/outputs are "servo" or transformer balanced, including Bryston, Marchand and all the pro gear. For my purposes, the servo-balanced NHT X2 was fine, but it's more for subs.

Didn't find any direct info on the FR's and the only crossover number I found for any Apogee was 700 Hz, with no clue of the slope. Maybe you can test them with a calibrated microphone and a RTA, like HolmImpulse, to find out. Caution: With wide-range planar/ribbon drivers, there's also a good chance of notch filters far beyond the crossover point.

Unrelated but did stumble across some opinion you might find interesting...
The only OTHER active crossover made specifically for magnetic planar drivers was the Wisdom DAB-1 (Digital Active Brain), which was incredibly complex and powerful. Good luck finding one of those.
Hello, This is also not my area of expertise but I also use the NHT X-2 but also only as a sub crossover. You can choose up to 50hz, 80 or 120hz into the sub, the rest goes up into your speakers. It is either balanced or rca into and out of it and you can mix/match the xlr's or RCA's OUT of it (not In to it). FWIW I also use a fully upgraded Apogee Dax 1 into my Duetta Sigs but this is also N/A for your full ranges. I hate to tell you but the Pass XVR really IS supposed to be the best if you can swing the $$$. Good luck.