why does NBC sound so bad? are networks different

or is it the transmission towers?

I have Directv and my receiver supports off air antenna. When I listen to CBS it sounds terrific, FOX and ABC sound great as well but NBC sounds muffled, like cotton in my ears. This happens on all programs.

I have often wondered why NBC sounds so much worse.

Does anyone know is it the signal the networks send? (doubtful)

Is it the local towers? (my best guess)

Has anyone else noticed this?

any info appreciated...

fwiw the off air channels sound way better than the ones I get over the satellite.
Maybe it could be the TV show you are watching on NBC? Whenever I've watched Sunday Night Football or any other big TV event/show on NBC the picture has been really clear and sound was very nice either from the TV speakers or my HT system. Maybe the summer time programming isn't getting the good picture and sound treatment?

I have my HD cable box connected via HDMI to my Samsung TV and then from my TV I have a Toslink cable going to my Outlaw Model 990 pre/pro. The 990 doesn't have HDMI inputs or outputs or else I'd hook up things up differently.

Regarding commercials and their sound I thought laws were being passed to bring their volume levels down? It is very annoying that you are watching a show at a nice volume level and then the commercial comes on and it is louder and you have to adjust.
Can you not get your locals from D*? I put away the antenna several years ago when our locals where picked up on the dish. In my area it was FOX that always seemed to be on the back side of the transmission.

Content is a different story altogether. We never watch the networks unless it's sports. How many times can one watch the same re-hashed doctor, lawyer, cop show?
Dan ed,

actually I can not get local channels in my set up, there is a big tree right where the dish needs to aim to get them. But why would I want to pay when I get the off air service for free? and like I mentioned the off air is better sounding and in hi def to boot.

fwiw the main problem I have is that NBC sounds so bad compared to CBS especially when switching from Letterman to Leno it is really noticable but this happens with other programs as well.

It just got me wondering if everyone else has this problem or maybe it is a local problem...
Seems to be program related, too.
Was watching an hour show one nite. Every time they went to this one scene, the sound had a buzz to it. rest of show? fine. It was obviously some kind of production mistake.

Many music specials.....Diana Krall comes to mind, have intentionally sub-par sound to discourage people ike ME from recording it.

In the 'old days', they'd do 'simulcast' where the TV sound was sync'd to FM and you could get the FM sound and TV picture. And hope for no time delay.

Off-air is probably best, all the cable/small dish guys step on the signal pretty badly with the exception of live sports and news. go figger.