Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Calvinj, I am not saying the Elrod power cords are not good, I am saying, No matter the brand or model of power cords, power cords are most difficult to match to a componet, there are audiophiles that go through 10 or more power cords before they find a cord that works with what they are useing it for, speaker cables and interconnects are not as difficult to match, I understand Elrod power cords are one of the very best out there, no matter, It is all about system synergy. Enjoy the music.
Jerry- It may be a while longer before I do get to listen to the Tara labs cobalt power cord on my system, It's been a while, way to long, I will have a digital player this lawn season, I am also working on getting The zero Evolution interconnect and Omega Evolution speaker cables in a years time,I am absolute focused on getting the audio I have mentioned here, I am not playing, Jerry, Go to the Tara labs site, hit the link that says products, then hit the link that says, Extended Band-width interconnects, look for the New Zero Evolution interconnects, hit the link there that says more, read all that, and then go to the speaker cables link and go to Omega Evolution speaker cable, this is the matching speaker cable for the Zero Evolution interconnect, then, read all the info on the Grandmaster Evolution interconnect and speaker cables, this is the new flagship cable from Tara labs, The model I am shooting for is the second from the Best of the new Tara labs cable models, Tell me what you think pops-Jerry.
@ pops, Wow!, I just read on another thread you sold your eggleston works andrea 2 speakers, did you sale them in march?, those cs-6 Thiel speakers must be kicking ass to sale the Egglestons!, do you like the 6 better than the 3.6 speakers?
Yes, the CS6 moves more air so it is more dynamic. It also has a different tweeter/midrange design so it is a little more forgiving than the 3.6. It is also a little easier to drive. Still plenty revealing.

I lived with the Eggy's for a while and could never get the thiel sound out of my blood!
Pops, I really like the way the Thiel cs6 looks, very attractive speakers!, I bet the cs-6 is one of the best Thiel speakers of all time, I read Jim Thiel kept a pair of the cs-6 speakers after he came out with the new 3.7 speakers before he past away, mmmm, That says volumes about the cs-6 speakers!, Are you using any speaker spikes like still-points or anything else under the speakers?