I just had a surprise when I connected my music source to a Wyred 4 Sound DAC2 using an inexpensive, although of decent quality, TOSLINK connector and compared that to a Xindak RCA Digital cable. Switching back and forth, I found the TOSLINK to be slightly clearer and more realistic. Given all the hype on using RCA Digital cables and very little on TOSLINK today, I was not anticipating a quality improvement. I have just stopped listening to the Xindak Digital cable (which was selected over several digital cables in my system due to its superior sound quality) once I spent a couple of hours with the TOSLINK.
One great benefit of TOSLINK is that very good cables are much less costly than good RCA Digital cables. I just ordered an upgrade to my current TOSLINK cable from SILFLEX GLASS with 470 strands of glass fiber for less than $100.
One great benefit of TOSLINK is that very good cables are much less costly than good RCA Digital cables. I just ordered an upgrade to my current TOSLINK cable from SILFLEX GLASS with 470 strands of glass fiber for less than $100.