Mr E- I am NOT the one with a TOTAL lack of COMPREHENSION. Try to FOCUS this time: There are quite a few things in audio that create audible effects(time smearing, loss of image specificity or ambience info, etc), that CANNOT BE MEASURED with the equipment NOW AVAILABLE. The human ear has been shown, time and again, to be very sensitive to aberrations, that are NOT QUANTIFIABLE. BUT, like everything else in this hobby; whether YOUR ears, brain or system, are up to the task of such discernment(which I have doubted, based on SO MANY of your previous posts) determines your mileage.
You(and you fellow Julian Hirsch clones) are welcome to the INEVITABLE, "last word." I couldn't care less about your(or anyone else's) opinion(s). Flame away!
You(and you fellow Julian Hirsch clones) are welcome to the INEVITABLE, "last word." I couldn't care less about your(or anyone else's) opinion(s). Flame away!