Room corrections

Hello all, I have a pair of Dunlavy SC V's, powered by a single Krell FPB 700cx with a Krell KCT and KPS 28c.My room is 13 1/2 feet by 33 feet long with and 8 ft ceiling.The Dunlavy's are almost back to the rear wall and are approximately 18 inches from each side wall and approx 90 inches apart.These speakers do not produce enough bass in my opinion and am limited to speaker position.Any reccomendations on room correction devices..Thanks to all
My listening position is 11 feet from dead center of the Dunlavys,behind me is a pool table,moving speakers to the long wall won't work.I'll look into the Lyngdorf!!!
You do not have to pull Dunlavys 3' into the room. You should start out 8" from the wall and make small adjustments. I am glad you gave measurements because 90" (7.5 ft) is too close together for Dunlavys or any other large speaker because the large speaker cabinet actually becomes a large reflective surface. If it is possible you should consider trying the long wall and you can spread the speakers as far apart as you want. Toe the speakers in until you only see a sliver of the inside of the cabinet and treat the wall behind your head.
without having to re-wire my room...etc.what suggestion would you reccomend for a speaker within my current "footprint"
I mainly listen to classic/prog rock and and ENJOY heart pounding bass, taking into consideration selling the Dunlavy's at market value and not having to invest a ton more it their replacement.

Thanks all!
With the Lyngdorf your imaging is sure to improve -- even if it's really good now. The soundstaging in my room is holographic and precise. Once the room correction addresses the room reflections no matter how good the imaging was, it gets even better.