What is your listening level?

Is 85db the ideal listening level?
I agree with Swampwalker... If you listen at levels in the 110db are for any extended length of time, you are going to do serious damage to your ears that can not be reversed.
You should not have to listen at those levels to get any more enjoyment, detail or impact out of the music unless your hearing is already damaged or your gear is not capable of delivering excitement at sane levels. I know too many audiophiles who's ears are shot due to this. Don't become one of them!
I get to hear LOTS of live music(nothing symphonic), every week. Playing back recordings at less than realist levels gets old, to me, QUICK! SO- I'm with Unsound on this one. Here's a little something that might be of interest: (http://www.digido.com/honor-roll.html)
I think Ebm is being sarcastic in this case with his usual one-line comments, most of which go begging for additional explanation or comment anyway.

I think every recording has a sweet spot where the system makes it 'come alive', and this can range from 65dB to 100+dB depending on genre, individual mood, and auditory ability at any given time.
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