What is your listening level?

Is 85db the ideal listening level?
I have a sound meter on mty Droid. It generally shows a range between 65 - 90 and averages about 80+db most times.
I downloaded a spl meter on my HTC One Droid and it states my listening comfort zone is in the mid 50's into the mid 60's. I can't get it into the upper 70's without rattling things in the room. 80's? That just seems way too loud compared to my comfort zone. I'm wondering if the meter is calibrated correctly.
I just loaded another spl meter on my phone to compare with the first one thinking it may be out of calibration. They perform nearly identically. I had a hearing test recently with normal results. My listening comfort zone is in the mid 50's into the mid 60's. Funny thing is that my wife says I can't hear what she's saying sometimes...