Cracked my amplifier faceplate. HELP

Hello audiogon members. Looking for some advice. I purchased a Mcintosh MC7300 amplifier (one that I have always wanted) and in the process of bringing it home I put too much pressure on one of the knobs and sent two cracks across the front of the glass. Any tips for picking up some type of replacement? I hear Mcintosh sells them directly for $185. That seems ungodly expensive.

Any alternatives that you can think of?

Thank you kindly in advance for your advice.

P.S. I have the version with the panloc buttons on the bottom left and right.
I'd add, that for memory's sake, to take a few photos during dissassembly. Anything that looks detailed or could possibly go together more than one way.

From Mcintech's description, it sounds detailed, not especially difficult.
Elizabeth, Mcintech, Jaybo, Magfan, thanks for the outstanding advice. I'll be sure to take this all down and into consideration. Much appreciated.