What does the term rolled off highs mean ?

What does the term rolled off highs mean ? is this a bad thing ? what would the sound of the trebel be if the reviewer said rolled off highs ?
what would the sound of the trebel be if the reviewer said rolled off highs

It's all relative! If a reviewer likes a speaker with a lot of treble and then hears a perfectly flat speaker, he may say that it's rolled off!
My tweeters are suppose to be good to 60KHz; WAY beyond my hearing range or anyone else's. Why? Because it is felt by many that what happens outside the audible range affects sounds within it. "Rolled Off" is a pejorative implying that there is insufficient treble to accurately reproduce the music.
Less high information. Like if you had a treble tone knob and rolled it backward.
This term means that you can't hear the cymbles extension as well as if you didn't have rolled of highs.

some think that when you are hearing multiple instruments and all have high frequency harmonics that the ear is capable of hearing higher than normal and the added response can improve perception of detail etc.

I just butchered that statment but it is as close an explanation as I can remember..
