We actually did to tests. The first was on a B&K tube tester, set at a sensitivity of 53 - which was the spec for the machine for an EL34. All of the tubes tested out between 95 and 110, with two of them a little low at 85. Then we did a sine wave test for noise with an attached meter for output. Using a baseline control we got 21 watts in push-pull per pair of tubes - any combination of any of the dozen, even the two low ones (although I confess, I do not know the plate voltage). The sine wave - control at the bottom of the wave, and tested tube at the top - revealed no noise in any of the tubes.
The guy that did the test has been doing this for forty years - a really cool shop btw - and his opinion was that not only were the tubes still good, but they showed remarkably little wear at all.
The guy that did the test has been doing this for forty years - a really cool shop btw - and his opinion was that not only were the tubes still good, but they showed remarkably little wear at all.