Ground Cheater plug or....

Maybe this isn't a good idea, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

I have what I believe to be a persistent ground loop hum from my amplifier. It's quiet, inaudible if music playing or unless you're standing next to the speaker, but knowing it's there is annoying.

I've heard suggestions to use a cheater plug to defeat the ground, but it seems counterintuitive to stick a 35cent plastic plug between expensive cables and power supplies. My question is, couldn't you accomplish the same thing by disconnecting the ground wire in the outlet, and still exact the benefits of better cables?

I'm sure the fire marshall would disapprove, but I'd like to hear what the hi-fi nuts have to say.

OMG Dopogue, I almost fell out of the chair laughing. They'll be shipping by next week and carried by Music Direct.
If you have cable or satelite hooked up on a dual use rig like many here unplug incoming signal wire to box and if hum is gone fix the earth ground, usually company will fix for free.
Just run a long extension ac cable from your amp to another outlet that you know is on a different circuit.This way you don't have to move your amp.
The hum remains even if the ICs are disconnected from the amp.


I agree with everything Al said.

I would add if the sound heard is truly a hum the problem could be a bad electrolytic cap/s in the power supply.
An oscilloscope connected to the DC output of the PS would tell you for sure.
The only audiophile cheater plug that I know if is the Ebtech Hum X. It retails for $60-$90 depending on the retailer you go to. It lifts the ground without any of the unsafe effects. I use it in one of my systems when I got too lazy to troubleshoot the hum I was hearing from my speakers.