Strage problem - power lines amps /preamp noise

So for the longest time I thought I have had bad luck with some used amps that I have been buying here... While my current amp; SF Power 1, sounds good, it is also very quiet (no hum, no noise from the transformers, powers up clean w/o any pop etc..). Several other amps, both tube and ss, would make noises; loud pop during power up, hiss and noise thru speakers etc.. I was guessing it may be power but just over the last few days of experimentation I realized that it is a bit more complicated.
So again; my current system (SF1 to Cary SLP-03) makes no noise whatsoever. Once I have a different amp connected I hear a white noise / hiss thru speakers with left channel being more pronounced.
What I have discovered is that if I disconnect my preamp (not just power off but unplugged) - the hiss is no longer present. BUT...I can also eliminate the hiss by simply plugging the preamp to another outlet, HOWEVER, after an hour or so of playing the noise would come back and then all I have to do is move the preamp to the previous outlet and the noise would disappear again...but again only for about an hour.

All outlets I tried are on the same circuit... I also tried (just for the heck of it) computer UPS unit with the same effect.

What gives? Any idea if there is something wrong with the preamp? My power lines? Combination of both?

Ether - I should have mentioned that my pre-amp is plugged directly into an APC surge protection/battery back-up device as are all the other components except for the two amps which are plugged directly into the wall with each having its own dedicated circuit. Likewise the APC is plugged directly into its own dedicated circuit. It is only the monoblock amps that require the plug converters.
Could be a lot of things. Some questions:

1)Are you using balanced connections between the preamp and all of the amps that you have tried?

2)When the noise returns after an hour, instead of moving the preamp's AC plug to a different outlet have you tried disconnecting it for a similar amount of time, and re-plugging it into the SAME outlet?

3)Does the hiss level vary with volume setting?

4)Are you following the proper turn-on and turn-off sequence, i.e., power amp on last and off first?

5)Is there anything in the house that might be turning on and off every hour or so, that could be generating RFI (radio frequency interference) or a transient on the power lines when it turns on or off?

-- Al
1. Balanced interconnects from CDP to Preamp to Amp
2. Yes - This happens if plugged back into the same outlet
3. No, hiss level stays the same regardless of volume setting, except if I turn the preamp to 0 (mute) - then it disapear as if I turned it off.
4. Yes... but this has no influece on the symptoms (I tried different sequences)
5. Can't think of anything like that...

Thanks for any and all input !!
CORRECTION: Reading my above post, I realized that my Answer #3 is misleading.
So the hiss is not heard when I lower the volume to 0 but it is back on at the same level when I just turn the volume up.... it only goes away for 1 hr or so ONLY if I completely unplug the unit and wait some time before plugging back in.