I decided to try the KUBE (KEF's equalizer) with KEF R104.2s in a balanced system. By careful routing of cables my system is silent to an ear at the speaker. But the KUBE has only RCA connectors, and adding it to my system introduced a sizzle, a kind of HF hum. I removed the KUBE, and silence returned. Is there any way of going from XLR to RCA that might avoid the noise?

Balanced lines (about 15') run from a Cary 11a processor to a Proceed Amp 3 that sits near the R104.2s. The third line to the center speaker did not run through the KUBE and thus remained balanced.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Tvad's ISOMAX transformers arrived today. I tried them using the KEF Model 200 KUBE that had previously caused the sizzle. The result was flawless: Silence at the speaker, and, even though designed for use with a different speaker, the KUBE provided substantial LF extension. I played the Ondine SACD of Saint Seans 3rd symphony. Pedal notes that were inaudible with the unaided 104.2s became audible.

Had I known the KUBE was so effective, I would have looked for one tailored for the 104.2s. Anyone have a lead on a KUBE for KEF 107.2s?

Kudos to Tvad!!

DB, just out of curiosity do you know if the adapter you were using at the INPUT to the KUBE (the XLR-female to RCA-male adapter) is one of those that shorts XLR pin 3 to XLR pin 1?

If you happen to have a multimeter that can be easily determined, of course.

-- Al
Sorry, Almarg, I don't, and I don't have a multimeter.

Tvad somewhat reluctantly sold his pair of ISOMAX transformers to me. Now I have to find a KUBE for the KEF 107.2s I'm buying.

Followup: I've installed a 107/2 KUBE using ISO MAX transformers. It provides LF extension to 20 Hz, although the 107/2s are not LF shy, and it seems to provide smoothing in the mid crossover regions. I changed the SACD output from the Oppo 95 to DSD rather than PCM, because the mains do not need to be supplemented by the subs.

Now I need to buy an ISO MAX for the 102 KUBE for the center channel.

I am in the same boat with a KUBE 200 for a pair of KEF 105/3's. I need to go from balanced preamp outputs to the unbalanced KUBE intputs, then the unbalanced KUBE outputs to balanced amp inputs.
I looked at the Jensen site, but it seems the PI-XR is not listed, unless you have to order one in a certain configuration. Any other alternatives out there as well? Thanks.