Cappy, I was under the impression that Brick Wall was merely *another* recommendation for your Cary's situation, just like the DC blocker, and to be used solely with the Cary *if* either device resolved its power-up problem. I would continue to use the SR for everything else, excluding the sub.
Where will the Cary be located vs. all of your other upstream equipment? Was *everything* intended to run off the new 20 amp circuit (amp, sub, pre/proc, etc)? Just trying to envision your layout.
I'm surprised you're not waiting for your friend Ken to test the AC with an O-scope rather than gamble on money spent that may not address the Cary's issue. To Ralph's point about slowing down the inrush current, regarding a sensitive mag-breaker, I would have thought the SR would've provided some amount by design, including some level of DC blocking, though unsure about the DC.
See what the DC blocker does first, when feeding the Cary directly, since you bought it already.