Singer sounds lower than ear level, help raise it

My speakers are currently on stands and the tweeters are at ear level. But still i find that the sound of the singer comes from the center of the speakers but it is lower than my ears. Her mouth sound like its only 2 feet from the ground. Is there anyway to raise the focus of the singer higher? thanks
I'm a clairvoyant. That is a necessity and part of the job description! I think! Besides the OP referred to a tweeter in the original post so I was willing to assume the speaker had a driver covering the mid-range as well. Maybe even a bass driver, but that is really too much of an assumption. :-)
My speakers are NHT M100. It has a 25cm driver at the bottom, 2.5cm tweeter in middle and a 16cm driver on top.
I've tried sitting it on the floor- even lower.
Will try tilting the speakers.
Ya my equipments are in the center of the speakers- will try moving them away.
Maybe my room & set up kills a lot of the critical high frequency info leaving nothing but the mid-range, how to fix this?
Try raising your speakers until the mid-range driver is ear height - the midrange is already on top of all the drivers.