Funny thing happened with my last audio changes -
I have always had a lot of curiosity about what is possible and, for the most part, I always knew something was missing. Well a couple of months ago, I found I could afford to seriously think about something to do to really improve my sound.
I've been listening very carefully to a lot of different recordings and music types (as well as sources, amps etc)for the past couple of months and I can't really pin down any aspect of my sound that I can change in my present environment that would give me more pleasure (apart from getting a different room and that ain't going to happen).
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure with a new pre-amp alone (I fantasize about the Audio Space Reference pre-amp, boy does that look neat!) would give me enought to play with for a year or two but I think all I would end up with is a slightly different sound and a lot more curiosity.
It's like lusting over finding a blond, finally getting one, and then wondering if a 'natural' blond might be seriously better and its worth a divorce to find out. Well I suppose you could go out and rent one, but it wouldn't be the same would it. Lucky folks find a 'natural' blond in the first place and realize the differences are all an illusion, I mean who would prefer a bottle blond.
It has really come to the point that I can no longer tell you what I would/could/should change about my systems sound to actually improve it. So I'm spending my money on a coffeee bean roaster - I'm sure I can find perfection there. Un huh! :-)
I agree with Jaxwire about audiophile journalism being deadly for those with compulsions or angst. I gave mine up many years ago, but I'm still here so it is not necessarily the whole solution, :-)