Slow speaker cables?

Okay, so what's the deal here? What are you hearing that makes a speaker cable slow or fast? I don't get it. You tellin me that with fast cables, the kick drum is right on time, and with slow cables that it's just a fraction of a millisecond behind, and you can hear that? Huh!?! Wouldn't a slower cable slow all parts of signal down, not just one part? I don't get it.
Differences in inductance can, at least to a slight degree, affect frequency response in the upper treble region, especially if the impedance of the speaker is low at those frequencies. Greater high frequency extension = "faster."

Differences in resistance can affect woofer damping and bass response. Better woofer damping and better controlled bass response = "faster."

Differences in capacitance, if extreme enough, can affect amplifier performance, especially at high frequencies that relate to perceived "speed."

Differences in antenna effects, and "transmission line" effects that occur at inaudible RF frequencies, can result in differences in spurious energy that may enter the feedback loop of the amplifier, if it has one, with unpredictable consequences.

There are undoubtedly other reasons as well, although not necessarily the reasons that are stated in the "white papers" of some cable manufacturers. And none of these reasons necessarily mean that "more expensive" = "better."

-- Al
I believe the confusion stems from taking "fast" as related to the speed the signal travels from one end of the cable to the other. That's not it.
I believe "fast" here refers to the raise speed,
pretty much like the slew rate, the ability of the cable to accurately represent the dynamic swing of the signal it transports.
And in this regard, a cable with less inductance and dielectric absorption makes for a "faster" cable.
As alluded to by others, clarity vs congestion (distortion) can have a perceived effect on the speed of the sound.

I surrender, there is no such thing as fast (less distortion, more accurate) cables or slow (more distorted, less accurate) cables.

That also means that there are no bright, warm, dark or cool cables or components. In fact, solid state and tubes don't have a different sound either.

Which ultimately leads to: a $100.00 piece of equipment sounds just as good musically as a $10K piece of equipment, so anyone having anything more costly than a transistor radio has just wasted their hard earned money.
