HELP - Building stereo room, need advice ASAP

I am building a new house with a dedicated stereo room which will be built to IsoRoom standards with ASC room treatments, the room was originally to be built to be 9x14.5x23.3 feet (golden ratio). Based on some design constraints, that will not happen :(

My other options are the following and I need advice to settle on the preferred alternative room size. My preference I think would be # 2 below, please advise ASAP. Whether it matters, my speakers are Revel Studio2's (the small brother of the Salons).

1) 8 x 12.9 x 20.7 ft (golden ratio)
2) 9 x 14.75 x 20 ft
3) 8 x 14.75 x 20 ft
#2 biggest room volume you can manage. keep speakers well away from walls and listen quasi nearfield.

all rooms sizes as above will be fine. Do not forget about dedicated line(s) to your new listening room.

Happy Listening!
I'd go # 2 . size and volume are beneficial and allow more flexibilty. Hands down.
I have actually used both #1 and #3, and I strongly prefer the wider room (my present house). The narrower width caused more extreme nodes along the center axis resulting in a suckout in the upper bass/lowerr midrange region. The wider room is more neutral.

It's quite possible the same L x W dimensions with a 9' ceiling would be even better. I need to figure out how to raise my ceiling.