Steadywash Platform Washing Machine vibration

this coulb be a cheap solution to vibration in audio..just a thought.

Noisy and damaging washing machine vibrations could become a thing of the past, thanks to the new Steadywash(TM) vibration isolation platform. Produced by Ohio Steel Industries through a strategic partnership with inventor Seicon Limited, the Steadywash platform sits beneath a washing machine and keeps up to 95 percent of the vibration from transferring to the floor.

"We are excited to introduce a true solution to a difficult problem that many consumers have faced for a long time by offering a platform that incorporates the best vibration-reduction technology available." said Tom Martini, CEO of Ohio Steel Industries, "The Steadywash platform works with all major brands of front-load washing machines and can eliminate the need for expensive home renovations in first- and second-floor laundry rooms."

Seicon Limited develops and licenses proprietary technology for isolating and controlling vibration and shocks. Seicon developed the Steadywash platform at the request of Neil Drobny, the owner of a front-loading washing machine that vibrated so forcibly during the spin cycle that it rattled dishes in his china cabinet. Seicon then learned that front-loading washing machines often generated vibration problems ranging from keeping babies awake at night to making it impossible to watch television in adjoining rooms.

"Our patented technology virtually eliminates vibration-related problems, and the Steadywash platform will last at least as long as the washing machine," said Fred B. Miller, president and CEO of Seicon Limited. "In testing, the Steadywash platform continued to perform perfectly even after 5,000 hours of wash time."

Drobny says the Steadywash platform solved his problem. "As a result of Seicon's innovative platform design, we were able to retain our environmentally friendly front loader washer, which we otherwise would have had to sell in order to protect our house from the excessive vibration caused by the ultra high spin cycle," he said.

Front-loading washing machines clean better, are more energy efficient and use less water than conventional top-loading machines. But because they also spin faster and revolve perpendicular to the floor, some machines create noisy vibrations that can even cause structural damage to the home. In homes with first- or second-floor laundry rooms, some manufacturers recommend reinforcing laundry-room floors to combat the problem.

Existing solutions consist primarily of rubber feet or mats that eliminate only a fraction of the vibration and can undergo excessive wear. Washing machines also have been known to fall off rubber feet, causing damage to the washing machine and the floor.

At 2 3/4" high and 27" square, the Steadywash platform is much slimmer than the aesthetic pedestals that manufactures sell to raise washers and dryers off the floor.

More information about the Steadywash platform, including a list of retailers, can be found at Manufacturer's suggested pricing is $199.95. A matching dryer platform is available at a suggested price of $69.95.

About Ohio Steel Industries

Founded in 1958, Ohio Steel Industries is a Columbus, Ohio-based diversified manufacturing concern in the structural steel, metal fabrication, and plastic extrusion industries. For more information, visit

About Seicon Limited

Based in Columbus, Ohio, Seicon Limited is primarily engaged in the development, marketing and licensing of proprietary technology for isolating and controlling vibration and shocks generated by seismic and mechanical activity across a wide range of frequencies, reducing transmission by 90 percent or more. Applications range from consumer appliances, machinery, buildings, bridges and roadways to aircraft, ships and vehicles of all types.
The platform is designed to be preloaded with approximately 240lbs of weight to be effective.
This is interesting. However, the platform works to prevent the vibrations from the washer from transferring into the floor. In audio, the idea is to prevent the vibrations from the floor from transferring into the system (and certainly to a lesser degree to provide effective dissipation of system-borne vibrations). So the obvious question is whether this even has any viable application in isolating audio equipment from floor-borne vibrations.
All mass on spring systems work more or less the same. Based on expected load, select springs with desired spring rate and number of springs required to achieve target resonant frequency of isolating system. The trick is obtaining resonant frequencies below say 3 or 4 Hz. Most of the electron microscope stands that were modified for the audiophile market achieve a resonant frequency around 2.5 Hz in the vertical direction. The other five directions, including rotational directions, are also important, however, and can be quite tricky to deal with.
If I miss read than I might have missed this. But according with what I read. he statement reads.

It is compatible with most makes and models of machines
weighing more than 240 lbs. and is easy to install. The ØVIB Washer Stand is not recommended for used under Bosch and early LG washing machines

NO where do I read that in order for the platform to work you must load to 240lbs to be effective...At 199.00 much cheaper than the audiophile stuff coming out of most home garage..