Difference in quality in products made in China?

There is a belief among many audiophiles that electronics assembled in China or Korea are not as well made as products assembled in the USA and England. This has nothing to do,(I believe) with the "technical abilities" of workers, as it has to do with standards of quality control, and the sourcing of less quality parts throughout Asia

This may be all hogwash and just biased opinion, but this question comes up to often to be quickly dismissed. From my own experience which is limited compared to other members, the products(amps. pre-amps CD players) I have owned that were made in the USA, or UK, and Canada, have been solid in terms of long term reliability. I would like to hear others opinions on this issue.
Well then Wolf-garcia you undoubtedly must be right. I can see by your responses that you've been involved in teaching classical violin and piano for 60 or so years. But since I have these ridiculous racist stereotypes, then I'll add these as well; Koreans typically have curly blonde hair and pigmies are normally 6 feet tall and it would be my racist perceptions to believe any differently. Get real.
I actually met a seven foot pygmy by the name of Nelson at LAX in 2009 while waiting for a connecting flight. He was with his Agent and informed me he just signed with the Laker's.
Well Audiozen, that doesn't at all make me feel warm and fuzzy. What a grave mis-justice.
Wolf-garcia, don't you worry about hurting your hand while surfing? I had a friend who played classical guitar and who hurt his hand while using a jackhammer to earn extra income over the summer. He never regained the strength in that hand that he needed for playing classical guitar so he had to switch over to a jazz program. One wrong mishap could ruin your professional music career.