Upscale RCA Jacks - McIntosh

Does anyone know why McIntosh often uses the bottom-of-the-line RCA jacks on some very nice pieces of equipment? Generally, I avoid buying anything that does not have the nicer jacks on it. Have I ever actually heard the difference between plain old jacks and expensive upscale jacks? Not that I am aware of.

One would think that McIntosh would use the better jacks, if only for psychological impact. Is there a school of thought that believes that the simple jacks might actual be the equal of the upscale ones - or perhaps even better?
cheap doesnt mean bad. there are too many other factors more important in choosing a component rather than if they use the latest trendy part that people pretend they can/will hear a difference in.
I agree, I don't think the "better" jacks will sound any better or worse, The better jacks are secure to the equipment panel and will not break away from tight or heavy interconnects. I have damaged a few cheap rca jacks with tight rca male interconnects by pulling off the outer gold female cap with the interconnect.
I have owned many peices of Mc gear and have never had any jack or connector fail. I have had other brands that repeatedly broke the RCA jacks as the plastic became brittle. But as far as sound quality, I really think continuity is the goal. Some say Gold coating inhibits continuity but resists corrosion. As long as it doesn't break, I guess it is doing it's job.
This is truly funny to read. Sometimes I make my own cables and for decent quality cables I use Canare cables and connectors. Their top connector fits so tight, that on lesser expensive electronics it will rip out the metal part of the connectors attached to the equipment. They are great connectors. But, yes, better connectors do indeed sound better. If you look at how many are constructed, they aren't well constructed and have poor connectivity. Heavy terminal connectors and heavy cables will eventually make poorly constructed or cheaper connectors fail. Look at it this way, if people purchase expensive or better outlets, and can hear difference using them, don't you think the signal connectors make as much a difference? They actually do. But, don't get carried away with the fluff also. There is a lot of "magic" equipment out there. I believe it is called snake oil. But good connectors and good cables (low impedance over frequency) do indeed matter.

Mac must have figured this out, as some of their newer models have much better jacks, witness the C48/C50 Preamps. I can't comment on the newer amps, as I haven't seen them. It's a welcomee addition.