Cartridge rings at certain high frequencies

Hi all, I am new to the forum, and this is my first post. First my system, mainly vinyl based and consists of Linn active Amps & Speakers, with a Michell Gyro modified with the Orb platter, plus an SME 309 arm. Phono pre amp is a Graham Slee reflex C, cables are Nordost. Cartridges are various, but exist on all of them, currently an AT33EV MC.
On certain high frequencies I get a ringing sound, a sort of harmonic, but not truly a harmonic sound. It's not on all albums I play, such as all my 180gm, but shows up on a lot of the 120-140 general vinyl. So far I have tried the following. Checked the arm and cart every setting at least fifty times, so much so I can now set the Azimuth blindfolded and asleep. I thought it was my music room, so in went the rugs, carpets, cushion, sound defuses, traps etc. didn't make any difference, it was still there. The TT does have DensoDamp fitted and the SME doesn't ring at all. The only thing that hasn't been changed is the I have bought a lot of Linn cable to try, but first thought some of you kind people may hopefully tell me of something that I have missed.
I do have a DS player, not that is used a lot as vinyl is my prime listening pleasure, and I occasionally get the slight ringing, but not as prevalent as with my vinyl setup. Thank for reading and thank you for any assistance that you can provide.
Brian in the UK
Thanks for the reply, I have put a lot of sound damping stuff into the room and even studio acoustic tiles, but never made any difference. But, I will re visit this and try again, thanks for posting
Hi, thank you for your reply, funny you should suggest this as I have just ordered a Torque driver from the US so as to make sure these fixings are at the correct Torque. I have gone over them, and they are not loose, so I await the new Toy to see if it will make any difference, thanks for posting.
Hi, thanks for the reply, no, none of my kit is valve based, but sometimes wished it was. Most of the kit is Linn and is active, the exception is my TT which is Michell Modified Gyro, fitted with an SME 309arm, and currently running a AT33ev MC cartridge, which I like purely for the way it reproduces solo piano parts. They always seem to be more realistic with this cartridge. I did play a Coltrane album (Blue Train) with it and that was just great, really enjoyable LP. I intend to change all my cable over in the next week or so, just to be sure if its this that's causing the sound. I have checked it for direction a few times, but when it was all originally installed it was put in by a Linn Tech, who has now retired to warmer climes.
Thanks again
Sorry people I seem to have got in a muddle with the replies, I do apologise for that. Maybe I should read "HowTo"