Can I tweak L-R balance by differntial biasing?

My new (to me) Almarro integrated does not have a balance control but my room is slightly asymmetrical. I'm playing a little w speaker toe-in to try to correct this, but I just had another idea. Bias spec is 0.20 volts, with 0.18 volts suggested as a minimum which will reduce output slightly but provide more tube life. It seems to me that if I bias the output tube slightly lower on the "louder" side, it might shift the balance slightly toward the side that is biased higher. Does that make any sense???
Thank you, Ralph. 'Sweet spot' is the operative here but the one I was hoping you would elaborate on is that elusive one when nothing is wanting but never stays very long. The one that keeps Geoff in business, and all the other exotic wire and cable and 'you name it' tweak manufacturers. To be specific, perfect channel balance. Finding a way to maintain it is really the only tweak we need.
Swampwalker, yes, whoever wrote that is mistaken. Reducing the bias may actually get you a couple more watts, rather than less, as the B+ voltage may rise with the reduced quiescent current. But you would also have more distortion...

Csontos, It sounds like what you are looking for is more than just the correct bias setting. Bias is only one of literally a thousand different variables that can affect your stereo. Fortunately we don't have to deal with most of those variables :)