how to run a 230 volt line from my panel??

I am getting a piece of equipment from europe that is set for 230v- I called the manufacturer and they said it can not be rewired to 110 I should simply run a 230 line= i already have 12 gauge wire ran to the stereo room- Is it just a matter of getting a 20 amp 230v breaker for my elec. panel-
Can i use the outlets I have now and a USA type power cord or what do I need to do?- thanks
Europe uses 50 Hz current rather than 60 Hz in North America. I would assume that most transformers nowadays can handle both, but it would be worth confirming.

Just for every ones information.

NEC 2011
Article 210.6 (A)
Occupancy Limitation. In dwelling units, and similar occupancies, the voltage shall not exceed 120 volts, nominal, between conductors that supply,

(2) Cord-and-plug loads 1440 Va, nominal, or less or less than 1/4 HP.


It's a CDP.... Power consumption is next to nothing. JMO buy a small step-up transformer.

Also worth mentioning the 230V CDP was designed to be fed from a 230V AC grounded power system. A hot, (the ungrounded conductor), and a neutral, (the grounded conductor).

Good chance only one line, the hot conductor is fused inside the CDP.
Good chance the power switch is a single pole and only breaks one line, the hot conductor.

Its actually easier for the transformer to handle 60 Hz than 50 Hz

If its only a CD player with limited current draw Id second the step down isolation transformer, which is likely to cost a lot less than running a new line.

Good Listening


The chassis will not get "live" in the event you describe, chassis is wired with ground only, not neutral. The three wires terminated in a standard 110V outlet in a residential setting are Phase, Neutral and Ground. In a standard 220V outlet it is Phase, Opposing Phase and Ground there is no neutral.

Again I strongly recommend that you get an electrician to do this for you this way you should avoid any costly mixups.

Good Listening
