Anti static foam?

I'm thinking about trying this tweak and am curious how you install it (Elizabeth?). Do you just pack it in your equipment or do you have to put something between the foam and the boards? I don't want to start a fire or short out a circuit. At the low cost of this anti static foam, and with the crazy amounts of static I have here in the cold dry air here in Colorado, I'm thinking that this would be a worthwile thing to do but I just need some instruction on what and what not to do when installing the foam in my components and which components I can do and which ones I shouldn't do. Thanks!
I've lived in Colorado since 1986 and in Wyoming before that. I have never had a "crazy amount of static"? Maybe your problem lies elsewhere. Just my .02 cents worth.

Maybe it's just me, but I sure the hell wouldn't be spraying foam inside my equipment. I can see the ad now... 9/10, Mint condition, perfect shape, well expect for the foam inside the unit :-)
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