Tweak you gotta try. Post your results...

Well I read some reviews about the new High Fidelity cables that were designed by the former owner of Virtual Dynamics. They seem to be using magnets as their claim to fame in their design.

I happened to have some rod type axially magnets that were about 3/8" in diameter and about 1" long. I installed 2 of them near the end of my speaker cables near the speakers. 2 sets are needed for each speaker wire left and right).They are installed so that the magnetism is pulling through the cable.

It is quite interesting, but I would like some others to try this and share their opinions before I comment.

I also added a set at the Amp end.These magnets cost about $3.39 each and you will need at least 4 of them or 8 if you want to try them also at the Amp end.

I bought mine from

Make sure you select USPS for about $4.95 shipping otherwise you will end up paying for UPS at about $13 for shipping.
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Don't go gettin you're wires crossed now:) Geoff is definitely not the master. Just ask him.
I've been using neodymium magnets for several years in a few applications and they do make for an improvement in sound.Tom
Thanks Tom for posting your experience. The replies to this posting did get a little wild and off subject.

The point of my original post was that I was trying to create a DIY version similar to the new High Fidelity cables that use magnets in their design. Other than the fact that the magnets High Fidelity cables use surround the wire, how much different can they be?

What is the purpose for the magnets? Do they align the flow of electricity? Or is it really distortion, I wonder?
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