Dedicated line w/ upgraded parts or power cond?

Which would yield best results? A dedicated power line with upgraded outlet and power cable, or a power conditioner?
The dedicated lines are in.

I used 10 guage Romex again, and prefer the sound of it compared to 12 gage,so if you are contemplating dedicated lines,20 amp breakers and 10 gage is a nice combo.
Congratulations and happy listening. I too used 10 gauge and like it. I think Shunyatas work on dynamic transient power shows the value of the reduced impedance.
I've been having some fun revisiting the first DIY power cord that I ever made back when I had Quad 63 in 87.

It was 14 romex solid core.

On a whim I thought I'd revisit that concept so I made up a couple of power cords for my Acoustat servo amps.
This time I used 6ft per side of 10 Romex that I used for my two dedicated lines.The recptacles were Furutech as is the duplex(GTR G).

I don't know if the signal likes the continuity of the cables or the unison of the Furteck plugs, but the sound is much better than I anticipated.

So much so, that I have moved my more costly power cords to an analog only system.

The difference?

More clarity,speed,as if the amps were given a super charger.

The old Acoustat amps seem to need a direct link to the power,the less I place between them and the panel ,the better.

The ultimate would be two dedicated lines, one for each amp direct from the panel with only the female IEC's going into the amps.

Not code, but,the less complicated I've made with the power connection to my amps, the better the sound has been.

All amps are not the same, especially these old relics of mine.
I've owned some pretty decent solid state amps that never performed until they were given pricey upscale power cords.
They need them to tame some of the noise gathered along the way, and a quality power conditioner was the icing on the cake.

The complete opposite to what I am experiencing now.

My tip for those who are going down the dedicated line road is to make up an inexpensive PC using the same wire and give it a try.
Even the cheapest Furuteck receptacles will accept #10 solid core Romex.