Dedicated Power Lines

Been thinking about running dedicated Romex circuits from my circuit breaker box for my rig. No . . . I decline paying for specialty wire, Romex will do. The question is how many discreet lines and the amp capability of each line. I'm still trying to figure out how to do the installation in accordance with Code, without tearing my finished basement apart. For that, I'll consult a licensed electrician.

My rig consists of the following gear: (1) self powered sub that is rated at 1500 "Class D" watts; 4500 watts on a surge; (2) ARC tube CDP; (3) ARC tube line stage; (4) ARC tube power amp rated at 120 wpc - supposedly draws 700-800 watts when driven hard; (5) ARC tube phono pre; and VPI TT. I have a large screen plasma TV and a DVD player. I think that stuff can run off the house circuits.

Right now, everything I just listed is sucking juice off the same line. I gotta believe no good is coming from that set-up. Funny story -- one day my kid was playing Rosetta. I think it's a band that plays music, or at least that what my kid says. Tons of bass. When the band kicked into "low gear," first the basement lights dimmed, then the circuit breaker tripped.

Oh, my house is tied into the utility lines with a 100 amp service. If I change that out, that's the next project. But not right now. Other than Rosetta, no other power delivery problems noted.

Add a 40 amp sub box next to your service. Add in a whole house surge protector (you still need smaller units at each recepticle). Run a bunch of lines to the gear, all home-run with no junction boxes.
Finally, when you run these lines make sure that they are all spaced apart and if they have to cross any other wires that it is at a 90 degree angle to avoid interference.
I'm sure others here have more suggestions...
Thanks Elevick - hoping to get some suggestions about the number of discreet lines I should run, and which equipment should each line feed. Also, any concerns/suggestions about hot wire phase. That is should the dedicated lines be the same phase?
Indeed run all you lines on the same phase otherwise you can easily get a ground loop. In my listening room I have 2 sets of 3 dedicated lines 3 on one leg 3 on the other, one group is for the SS system the other for the tubed system.

Good Listening

Any suggestions on the gauge, e.g., 12 gauge for 15-20 amps (??) 10 gauge for 30 amps. Would it be a good or bad idea to feed the tube amp and self powered D class sub woofer on the same 10 gauge - 30 amp line? I recall that some folks may have advised to keep the CDP (digital device) on its own line, 15 to 20 amp line should more than enough? Can I hook the TT into the same line with the CDP? This is the type of advice I'm looking for. Thanks