Need advice on a turntable question

I needed a new turntable as my old one was too expensive to fix so I purchased a Project Debut Carbon with the Ortofon Red cartridge that came with it.I found that my old Levinson ML1 pre amp had a moving coil stage inside (as I was using a Denon 103S cartridge)and that it would not work with the Ortofon moving magnet cartridge.The Project dealer sold me an ArtCessories pre amp that would work with the Ortofon cartridge.He stated that the components in my old Levinson pre amp (which he said were not that good to begin with)were over 35 years old and the fact that my Denon cartridge was the same age that the new Ortofon and new preamp would sound far better that the old components.I am breaking in the new parts now which I assume will take at least 20 hours but at first listen my new parts are no match for the old components.What is your opinion am I getting BS'ed??
Replacement was a must. The dealer did not do his job in aksing you questions on what you would be using a new TT/Cart with. The dealer should have dug deeper. Sold you what was in his stock, not what you need!
The 2M Red is a really good-sounding cartridge for a MM and will outperform most others out there. The Pro-Ject table should be able to extract everything it has to offer. The comment about your old ML1 is a bit biased as it was also a nice piece, then or now. Depending on your speakers, you may just be hearing a different sound balance than you're used to or you may have a misaligned cart. Check it with a protractor to be sure. If you're still unhappy, complain to the dealer and get them to give you a different preamp to audition for a week or so to see if you like that better.