
Ever hear of putting front end gear on separate isolation platforms
On the floor instead of a rack?
the best way to improve vibration isolation is to tack circuit components and if the unit is old re-tack output transistors(for example) to the heat sinks. reapplying fresh solder also improves vibration isolation. purchasing stands for electronic equipment should have approximately the same vibration isolation effect as purchasing cable elevators.
06-08-13: Zenblaster
What vibration or mechanical energy are you trying to isolate with a amp stand? Are they just for tube amps to reduce harmonics?
They do look cool sometimes."

So you are trying to isolate the amp. What happens if some vibration reaches the amp? It effects what? The sound?
I know turntables are microphonic, some tube pre/amps also. I have never known a solid state amp that was microphonic.
You have shown me the light before, I just can't wrap my head around this one.
Electrons and atoms as they move generate vibration. You don't want to trap the vibration you want to provide a way for it to leave.Tom
Transistors are affected by vibration, so is the amp's internal wiring, among other things. I have isolated a great many solid state and tube amps, maybe hundreds, including John Curl's JC-1s, the big Jeff Rowland amp, the really big 200 lb Classe amp, CTC Bar-B-Q amp, the BWS mono tube amps with outboard power supplies (600 lb delivered), etc.