Which components to isolate

Need help deciding which components are best isolated. I have three dedicated duplexes and want to minimize distortions put back into the system. I have a Running Springs Dmitri plugged into one outlet leaving two unused. I have a very good dac, pre, amp and transport. Also have a digital "room perfect" component.I can only isolate two units unless I double up on the duplexes.What would be a best guess as to how to plug it all in. My rack situation makes it hard to simply unplug and listen. I am going to try dac to one outlet and digital eq into the other outlet.Anyone with experience on this?
Every component with Symposium roller block HDSE wonderful great bass,stage imaging etc.
The ideal solution is very simple; regardless what type of isolation you are using. 1. Isolate your digital from all else. Then experiment. Try isolating the preamp and then the amp. Most likely you will be able to decide very easily. Have fun. Happy listening.
The ideal solution is very simple; regardless what type of isolation you are using. 1. Isolate your digital from all else. Then experiment. Try isolating the preamp and then the amp. Most likely you will be able to decide very easily. Have fun. Happy listening.