Well, I pieced it together. There is a line item under one of the top menu selections that previously read "Convert to WAV", but I found that if you go into the advanced preferences, you can change the preferred encoding the "mp3" or "AAC" or whatever. That is great, I can mass convert a bunch of selected files.
In terms of references to multiple libraries, why not just use the playlist feature as a sorting mechanism? I took the library of WAVs and turned it into a playlist called "All WAVs." I'll go back to the whole library when its finished converting to create a second playlist called "All mp3s." Rudimentary library management, but it should work.
But, I have another problem! Since all my files are on a server, iTunes puts a "!" in the library next to each file name until you double click to play the file. Its like some cautionary note that it doesn't know whether the file exists or not. If you double click to play it, iTunes will use the password on your "keychain" to pull it off the server, and the "!" goes away. The problem is that for whatever reason, asking it to convert does *not* cause iTunes to use the keychain to get to the file, and it simply ignores files with the "!". Any idea whether there is a simple way to force iTunes to verify access to the file? Playing all 15K songs will take me (according to iTunes) 40 days.